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Garden in the Woods, May 2006

  • 01_visitor_center
    Photos by Alexis Layton.

Tower Hill, June 2005

  • 22 Wildflower meadow
    Garden in the Woods guides visit Tower Hill Botanic Garden in late June, 2005.

Garden in the Woods, July 2003

  • 13. Sundrops
    Some photos taken at Garden in the Woods on July 8, 2003

Big Bugs, July 2004

  • 01_bee_and_flower
    The Big Bugs exhibit at Garden in the Woods.

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Charlotte Dixon

I saw the giant pine cone on the website, which made me very proud as my son Thomas made it.Its a shame there is no acknowledgement.I have never seen it for real and look forward to the time I can visit these beautiful gardens and see it for myself.

Well done National trust and well done Thomas!

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