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Garden in the Woods, May 2006

  • 01_visitor_center
    Photos by Alexis Layton.

Tower Hill, June 2005

  • 22 Wildflower meadow
    Garden in the Woods guides visit Tower Hill Botanic Garden in late June, 2005.

Garden in the Woods, July 2003

  • 13. Sundrops
    Some photos taken at Garden in the Woods on July 8, 2003

Big Bugs, July 2004

  • 01_bee_and_flower
    The Big Bugs exhibit at Garden in the Woods.

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Jim Snyder-Grant

I've had good luck growing Trumpet Honeysuckle, (Lonicera sempervirens) out here in Acton MA. Nice showy red flowers, and fragrant. There are native alternatives for the banned invasives - a chance to grow some new stuff! I'll be ripping out the Japanese honeysuckle later this year -Jim

aion power leveling

I've had good luck growing Trumpet Honeysuckle, (Lonicera sempervirens) out here in Acton MA. Nice showy red flowers, and fragrant. There are native alternatives for the banned invasives - a chance to grow some new stuff! I'll be ripping out the Japanese honeysuckle later this year -Jim

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