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Garden in the Woods, May 2006

  • 01_visitor_center
    Photos by Alexis Layton.

Tower Hill, June 2005

  • 22 Wildflower meadow
    Garden in the Woods guides visit Tower Hill Botanic Garden in late June, 2005.

Garden in the Woods, July 2003

  • 13. Sundrops
    Some photos taken at Garden in the Woods on July 8, 2003

Big Bugs, July 2004

  • 01_bee_and_flower
    The Big Bugs exhibit at Garden in the Woods.

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painting garden portraits

You remind me of my grandfather who is also busy with his own garden. It’s just in their backyard but I presume that if it’s somewhere wider, my grandpa will have lots of beautiful stuff to add. For instance, he has these twigs project, too. The dried twigs of some small plants were shaped into deers. There are I think two deers made from twigs and they’re in a middle of a group of bonsai plants arranged in a circular manner. Twigs were also shaped into little butterflies and these were put in a section where orchids are grown.

Every time I visit my grandpa we would always have bread and strawberry jam in his garden. Our favorite part is where there ornamental plants consist of white roses. Grandpa knows how I fancy a boyfriend who will give me white roses on every special occasion.


How lovely! I can't wait for the other parts... and I adore the colonnade and the woodland parterre in Part I.


Some thoughts:
straight lines create separation, yin-yang curves integration? However when both blend together... that seems the most stimulating

Akinobu Nakashima

Your blog was very useful to me. I live in Usa-shi in the south in Japan. Please see the yard which I made ( ).

This is Japanese in which fate becomes good. 日々是好日

Not for me.

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